Sunday, February 5, 2012

B'Shalach / Exodus 13:17 ~ 17:16

B'Shalach: He Sent

This Torah Portion is the story of the Israelites crossing the Sea of Reeds (often depicted as the Red Sea). There are two versions of this event ~ one told in prose (Exodus 14:1 ~ 31) and one in a poem (Exodus 15:1 ~ 22). After crossing the Sea, the Israelites find themselves, not in the Promised Land, but in the heart of the Sinai Peninsula.

Pharaoh agreed to let the Israelites leave Egypt. He then had second thoughts and sent his army after the Israelites. The Egyptians nearly overtook the Israelites at the edge of the Sea. G~d tells Moses to instruct the Israelites to go forward. Moses lifts his rod and the Sea parts, so the people can move through on dry land. When the Egyptians try to follow the Israelites, they are blinded by a pillar of fire. As they move forward, the wheels of their chariots become mired in the mud. G~d then instructs Moses to again lift his rod. When he does this, the sea comes roaring over the Egyptians, drowning them all.

Although the Israelites are joyous at this event, G~d reminds the people that the Egyptians were his creation, too.

The Israelites move into the wilderness and soon begin to complain that there is no water or food. G~d allows Moses a miracle making bitter water turn sweet, until they come to an oasis. The Israelites then complain of hunger. G~d hears their complaints and brings them manna and quail, which fall from the sky, Each day, the Israelites collect enough manna for the day. On the sixth day, they collect a double portion so that they need not collect food for the Sabbath.

The Israelites move toward Massah, where they again complain over the lack of water.

The Torah Portion ends when the evil Amalekites attack. Joshua proves to be a strong military leader in defending against the Amalekite attack.

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